My name is Ray Gailes. That’s my given name and of course I still answer to it.
My Hebrew name is Yahchanan Ysrayl. I gave myself that name because it for me
defines who I am. I am a product of YAH’s grace and mercy. For He has seen fit to show
me His magnificent grace in answering my petition to know who I am and why we are in
the condition we find ourselves.

I do not consider myself a preacher, prophet or teacher–just one who is a part of YAHsharala and a student of Scripture. I am searching for truth, understanding, and YAH’s purpose for my life. I am no longer in search of the world’s truth for it offers nothing that endures. However, the Almighty’s truth is what counts, for it endures forever and truly illuminates our lives.

This blog is about my journey to Ysrayl. Not a physical journey, for I have
never sat foot in the land of Ysrayl. Rather, this blog is about my spiritual journey
into the land of Ysrayl. As Yahchanan the Revelator tells us, Ysrayl is our mother.
And as a brother of mine once preached, “We are the land, and the land is us.”
This blog chronicles my journey from where I started to how I got here. If you take away
something positive and concrete from my posts that can help you in your spiritual journey, praise YAH.