The Times of Strong Delusion – Conclusion

It’s been five years now since the demon called COVID-19 was ushered onto the world stage. We were told by the authorities at that time that COVID would be the most life-altering disease to ever plague mankind; that billions would die; that it would change the world forever. Well five years later and none of that has happened. In fact, in the past 2 years the world has largely forgotten about the Plandemic (planned epidemic). Today many of the same people who were foaming at the mouth with hysteria about a nonexistent virus are now suddenly silent. The same people who made the wearing of masks a ritual have largely ditched their face diapers and moved on. Amnesia. The world and particularly people in the U.S. suffer a strange form of amnesia. They have the attention span of a grapefruit. As the adage goes, “memories fade and emotions die.” And so it is with COVID. Sorcery blinded the masses to an extinction level deception called COVID.

While the Plandemic wasn’t as earth shattering as it was projected, it did cause massive death and suffering. People allowed Satan to tamper with their blood; to inject them with vile venom that has killed and injured millions. Yes, many have paid a great price for not questioning the Great Lie.

Last year, in July of 2023 my wife’s niece drove from Atlanta to visit with us. While sitting around catching up on world events she turned to me with a very stoic look and asked, “What happened to COVID?”  She said she could not conceive how something that was supposed to be so deadly justly abruptly fell off the radar screen. In fact, she wondered why practically no one was talking about it anymore. After all the lockdowns, and after all the mask mandates, the social distancing, and proscriptions against social gatherings, why was no one talking about COVID. It was as if it never happened.

I took a long meditative pause (for effect) and I told her that she was very astute. I told her that she was beginning to see what I saw back in 2019…that it was all a lie. It was a lie created in the very pit of hell by devils bent on destroying as many lives as possible. And these devils were counting on the misplaced belief people had in their corrupt governments.  And millions of people obeyed without question whatever their psychopathic leaders spouted off. And the Satanists were also counting on the masses having a short attention span. And they were right on both counts.

I don’t think the masses will ever hold the perpetrators of this crime accountable. Of course, YAH will. However, this is undoubtedly the strong delusion spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2…people perishing because they do not love the truth. I thank YAH for giving us eyes to see; otherwise we too would have fallen victim to this great deception.

Over the past few years I have collected a number of articles that present the evidence of this great fraud that was committed at the highest levels of government worldwide. And below I am listing a lot of links that you may want to check out that shed additional light on the evil that was done. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. More and more articles are being published almost daily that show just what the Plandemic has wrought.

Athletes Dying After Jab

Neither Safe Nor Effective

COVID and Spike Proteins

COVID and Mitochondrial Dysfunction

CDC Hid Warnings About COVID

Senator Drops Bombshell Regarding COVID

CDC Deception

CDC Misinformation

Injuries and Deaths From the First Jabs

Hundreds of Celebrities Dead or Injured From Jab

The Truth About the COVID Jab

Japan Studies Exposes COVID Jab

Increase in Death Among the Young

CDC Releases Treasure Trove on COVID

So-called Long COVID

Lancet Study Exposes COVID

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